Cori Quinn Drops New Track “Alabama Mollywhop”

Cori Quinn celebrates her birthday with the release of her latest single, “Alabama Mollywhop.” The track, characterized by its upbeat tempo and vibrant energy, reflects a celebration of unity and joy, inspired by the need for more danceable, uplifting music in the wake of the pandemic.

Originally intended for another artist, Quinn repurposed the song with her own beats, creating a personal anthem that she describes as both fun and meaningful. “It’s about bringing excitement back into our lives and encouraging people to dance and enjoy themselves,” she explains.

For Quinn, music is a powerful form of self-expression and therapy. “Writing lets me express things I don’t typically talk about,” she shares. “It’s a legitimate part of my life and very therapeutic.”

Discover “Alabama Mollywhop” and follow Cori Quinn on Instagram and YouTube.

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